Welcome to Xlogic Web Hosting since 2011

DNS management

The domain name system, which has the purpose of translating the IP address into a domain name and contrary

How the DNS system works

  • DNS records allow you to connect to a site by typing the domain name and not the IP address, making use of the web more intuitive. For example, thanks to this system, it is possible to visit the Xlogic site by typing xlogic.org on the URL and not entering the IP address

How can I manage the DNS zone

  • If you have a Hosting plan with Xlogic, you can manage the DNS zone (e.g. A record, cname, TXT, MX, etc) directly from the customer area, while if you own the domain with us, you can only and exclusively manage the Name Servers (NS record) at the panel

What are the most used DNS records

  • Record A
  • Record cName
  • Record MX
  • Record TXT
  • Record AAA
  • Record SRV

DNS and Name Server management

Log in to the customer area and click on the “My domains” item to access the DNS zone of the Hosting service

Domini Xlogic

How to manage the DNS zone If you have the Hosting plan at Xlogic, you have the possibility to manage the DNS zone! To do this, click on the DNS Management icon to access the dedicated area

DNS Xlogic

How to manage Name Servers If you own the domain at Xlogic, you have the possibility to change the NS! To do this, click on the Nameserver Management icon to access the dedicated area

NS Xlogic

DNS management Within the panel you can add, modify and delete DNS; Remember to save the change for it to take effect

Gestione DNS Xlogic

Name Server Management Through this panel you have the possibility to modify the Name Server records

Gestione NS Xlogic

Warning Modifying, deleting or replacing a record incorrectly risks compromising the functioning of the website